The West Somerset Railway Heritage Trust
WSRHT Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
As Members will know, we have issued the attached information pack giving details of the forthcoming EGM to be held on Friday, 23 July 2021 by Zoom. Unfortunately, due to an oversight, I neglected to inform you of the time of the meeting! Please accept my apologies. The meeting will take place at 5:30 PM that evening and will be a very short one to announce the outcome of the voting on the Special Resolution to adopt the new Articles of Association.
There has also been a query about the reference in the Notice of the Meeting to an appendix to the Special Resolution. This refers to the Articles as indicated in the body of the Notice.
Steve Williams Acting Chairman
(The documents below are categorised by their captions below the Document Link section. Please continue to email for any queries).
Posted on 8 June 2021 by Admin
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