The West Somerset Railway Heritage Trust
Appointment of Jonathan Jones-Pratt as Acting Chairman of West Somerset Railway Plc
The West Somerset Railway Association and West Somerset Steam Railway Trust welcome the appointment of Jonathan Jones-Pratt as West Somerset Railway Plc Chairman on an acting basis, ending the hiatus and accompanying uncertainty since the departure of the previous WSR plc Chairman. We acknowledge his thanks for our past support and look forward to working with the WSR plc under his Chairmanship in moving the whole Railway onto a more stable footing.
Jon’s association with the Railway and wider steam preservation, and his business background, mean that he immediately brings useful skills to the table to move the railway
forward in conjunction with the supporting groups.
We also welcome the announcement by the WSR plc that an open and rigorous process will be used for the appointment of a permanent WSR plc Chairman
Posted on 29 September 2018 by Admin
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